– 10 feb 2023 – EYE –

Het is weer zo ver. Het Europees Parlement organiseert opnieuw een “European Youth Event” (EYE) en alle Belgische jongeren zijn ook van harte welkom op 9 en 10 juni in Straatsburg.

Het EYE is een moment waar ruim 10.000 jongeren uit heel Europa samenkomen om te praten over hoe zij Europa zien en ervaren. Super relevant voor België aangezien de Europese verkiezingen (en enkel die) in België open werden gesteld voor 16-17 jarigen.

Foto Europees Parlement Straatburg – © Georges Janssens

Registration is open for all young people between 16 and 30 at https://eye2023.eu until 24 February 23.59 CET. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, Participation is free of charge but participants will need to cover travel and accommodation costs in Strasbourg.


Around 10 000 young people are expected to discuss and share ideas on how to shape the future of Europe on 9 and 10 June in European Parliament premises in Strasbourg.

Almost 200 in-person and hybrid activities – debates, discussions, networking opportunities, artistic performances, sports and interactive workshops – are organised by the European Parliament in cooperation with youth organisations, other EU institutions, the civil society and the participants themselves. Take look at the draft programme.

This year the special focus of the event will be on the European elections 2024 – the role of democracy and youth engagement will be addressed in EYE2023 panels and events.

In the closing plenary of the event, ideas, expectations and concerns of young people will be collected in the EYE Report that will be distributed to all Members of the European Parliament.


The EYE (European Youth Event), happening for the fifth time, brings together thousands of young people from all over the European Union and the world, to share and shape their ideas on Europe’s future.

It is a unique opportunity for 16 to 30 year olds to interact, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy.

In 2021, the EYE obtained the ISO 20121 certification for sustainable event management, which will be renewed for EYE2023.

foto © Georges Janssens

Further information
EYE: Register here
The European Parliament’s offer for young people
Photo’s previous EYE edition
Around 10 000 young people are expected to discuss and share ideas on how to shape the future of Europe on 9 and 10 June in Strasbourg

2008 = 50 jaar Europees Parlement – foto © Georges Janssens